The Sail and Life Training Society (SALTS®) was founded in 1974 and is a registered charity in Canada and the USA.* The Society operates two tall ships, the Pacific Grace and Pacific Swift, and offers sail training programs for young people ages 13-24 (as well as day sails for all ages). These ships are maintained at the SALTS Marina at 451 Herald Street, Victoria BC.   Image of Pacific Swift and Pacific Grace by Leftcoast Media

Image by Judah Specht  

Who are our programs for?

Our programs are for ALL young people ages 13-24. We value diversity and seek to create a community in which everyone feels they belong. Each year, 1700 young people sail with us and we love getting to know each one of them! There’s no need for program fees to prevent a young person’s participation.

Our bursary program helps cover costs for those who cannot afford to pay. SALTS also partners with numerous organizations to provide equal opportunities for youth in challenging life situations. We believe that every one of us brings a unique story and contributes to a dynamic onboard community.

Image by Michael Ross  

How does sail training work?

Young “trainees” learn all aspects of sailing the ship. They are split into three “watches” (groups) and given responsibilities as training crew. At least one watch is always on duty, working in shifts both day and night. Duties include taking the wheel of the ship, bow watch, sail handling, anchor watch, navigation, radio monitoring, small boat handling, galley chores, etc. Formal instruction is given regarding sailing theory, rules of the road, sailing terminology, knots, etc. Trainees work their way through the SALTS sail training curriculum. Shore trips to beautiful coastal islands and rousing evening mug-ups with games, stories, and singing make for an exciting and diverse experience.


What do we mean by "life training"?

Trainees are encouraged to develop a strong work ethic and take on responsibility. They learn about teamwork and cooperation, because it takes everyone’s participation to sail the ship. They develop relational skills, learn to deal with interpersonal conflict, and live in close community. Most report an increase in confidence as a result of overcoming their fears and succeeding in challenges—such as climbing the rigging 115’ in the air on a moving ship! Intentional discussions at meal times and informal conversations provide opportunities for “life training” and mentorship.


Where do we sail?

Our ten-day summer trips take place along the coast of British Columbia leaving and arriving from various ports. Each of our five summer routes are unique and full of adventure! By the end of the summer, our ships will have traveled as far north as Haida Gwaii and circumnavigated Vancouver Island. Our four or five-day group trips in the spring and fall navigate various routes around the Gulf Islands of BC.

Awards and Recognition

SALTS has received:

  • The Sail Training Program of the Year award from Tall Ships America.
  • The S.S. Beaver Medal for Maritime Excellence from the Maritime Museum of BC
  • The BC Premier's Award: Promoting Innovation and Excellence
  • Many awards at the Victoria Classic Boat Festival. During this annual event, we usually offer public tours of the ships.




The SALTS Community

Everyone is welcome in the SALTS community. SALTS is an independent, non-denominational Christian-based charity, operating in a multi-faith community in which our Society members, donors, volunteers, and program participants come from all backgrounds, beliefs, and walks of life. Our programs allow for friendly and open dialogue about many points of view. We seek to create an environment that is caring and respectful, where young people are encouraged and inspired. Our Board members, Executive Director, professional crew-members, and some of our staff members are Christians who hold beliefs consistent with the Apostles’ Creed (a faith statement widely used for 1800+ years). SALTS is committed to maintaining an inclusive and diverse workplace as per its obligations under applicable human rights legislation. SALTS will not tolerate discrimination on the basis of race, colour, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, marital status, family status, or any other protected ground.


"To create a safe and inclusive environment where young people can be themselves and grow personally, spiritually, and relationally through sail training in a supportive Christian-based community." Read more about Our Mission.


Training young people, by the sea, for life.


The society's logo shows a schooner sailing "wing and wing" with mainsail and foresail balancing each other. Old schoonermen called this "readin' both pages”, a harmony of forces which symbolizes the necessity of both the physical and spiritual dimensions in each individual.

“SALTS” and “S.A.L.T.S.” are registered trademarks of S.A.L.T.S. Sail and Life Training Society.
Charity # BN 119133619RR0001

*FORGN tax exempt status in the USA