Passing SALTS through the Generations
Once the salt air hits the bloodstream and adrenaline gets going, it’s hard to get it out of the system! For SALTS alumni, it trickles down through the generations. This summer, we welcomed several second-generation trainees on board for their first sail. One trainee, Kaia, especially looked forward to experiencing the adventure her mom told stories of.What do you remember hearing from your mom that made you excited about SALTS and sailing adventures?
Kaia: My Mom always talks about SALTS and how amazing it was. She went with her best friend and was so excited for me to go. She showed me her pictures and told me the kinds of activities she did (swimming off the boat, climbing the rigging etc.). I really love adventure and was really excited to experience that on SALTS.
What does it mean to you to know that your daughter has now shared in the SALTS experience?
Christine: I am absolutely thrilled. She was so excited to go. My own mother knows how important SALTS was to me so myself, husband and younger daughter and my parents all gathered in Victoria to see Kaia off. When she arrived back to the dock 10 days later with a huge grin on her face I couldn’t be happier. I knew she’d had the same experience and fun I had. I am so thankful SALTS is still an amazing organization. Just after Kaia was back my girlfriend from high-school and I went out for dinner and reminisced about SALTS all over again. She said “I can’t remember what I did yesterday, but I can remember everything about SALTS!” I couldn’t agree more!

Thinking back over the time since your SALTS trip, how has the experience stuck with you?
Christine: Well, SALTS was really a big part in setting the course for the rest of my life. Before SALTS I loved the water, but SALTS really introduced me to navigation and took me further on a ship than I had ever been. After SALTS I went to Pacific Marine Training institute and then I started work for BC Ferries as a deckhand. It was on BC Ferries I met my husband so I like to joke that it was all SALTS doing.
As life continued and I had children and moved on in my career I’ve moved away from the sea and into a tech career, but there aren’t many days I don’t think fondly about SALTS and somehow getting back into a water-oriented career. Being able to send my daughter brought me tremendous joy and the fact that she enjoyed it so. My niece and younger daughter are already fired up for their turn next year.
On social media, we learned that Kaia rated her trip a 12/10. What are some things that made the experience rate so high for her?
Kaia: I loved meeting all the people and getting close to all the other trainees and crew. Sharing the experience with everyone and being able to relate and talk about everything was awesome. The places the boat went were beautiful and amazing. I really enjoyed that it was more of an experience and less like a ‘summer camp’. I loved being part of an active crew and being given jobs and responsibility. I really liked being part of a watch!
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