Physical and Mental Fitness Requirements
There are no “passengers” aboard the SALTS ships—every person on board (other than the professional crew) is a “trainee” who will actively participate in the sail training program. Previous sailing experience is not required, but trainees must be physically agile and mentally alert. Trainees are required by law to be “able bodied” and capable of hearing, understanding and acting on instructions given by the crew, in order to safely participate in the program, and to respond in case of an emergency.Situations may arise where there are erratic and heaving motions of the ship, slippery conditions on deck and moving parts of the ship’s rigging. These situations require a certain level of active awareness and involvement on the part of each trainee. Every person on board must have the physical strength to climb the ship’s companionway ladders (8’ high) while the ship is in motion, and participate in hauling lines to set sail. It will be necessary to use footholds and arm strength to climb over the side of the ship to board or disembark at a dock or when launching the ship’s dories. Motion sickness may occur.
SALTS does not discriminate on the basis of physical or mental disability except as required to ensure the safety of all trainees and crew-members. The following is a list of conditions that may inhibit participation or compromise the safety of the trainee or their shipmates:
1. Medical conditions which may require continuing or emergency treatment while at sea such as: diabetes, epilepsy, hemophilia, high
blood pressure, deep vein thrombosis, cardiac disorders, etc.
2. Life threatening allergies or sensitivities which cannot be avoided on board our ships.
3. Limited mobility or agility due to factors such as: incomplete recovery from physical injury; use of crutches, cane or other walking aids; severe arthritis - rheumatoid or other forms; severe obesity; neurological disorders; pregnancy; frailty, etc
4. Significantly impaired vision or hearing
5. Psychological, developmental or mental health disorders that may impair participation
6. Inability to tolerate stressful situations, loud noises, crowded conditions, etc.
7. Poor balance or dizziness
8. Limited / low mental capacity or severe learning disability
9. Contagious illness, recent exposure or possible contraction of a communicable disease
10. Dependence on tobacco or other substancesPlease note that smoking of any substance, including e-cigarettes and recreational cannabis as well as the use of illicit drugs and alcohol are not permitted on SALTS ships or on shore for the duration of the voyage.
If these or any other physical or mental conditions apply, contact our Booking team as soon as possible. Some conditions may require special pre-trip preparations including consultation with a medical professional and/or an additional adult to accompany the trainee.