Group Trainee Registration

All group trip participants are "trainees" - this includes students, leaders & chaperones. Register for your trip by completing the Group Trip Trainee Registration & Profile Form linked below.

To complete the Group Trip Trainee Registration & Profile Form, be prepared to provide:
  • your contact details, including email, phone, current and home address
  • contact details for a parent or legal guardian if you are under 19 years of age
  • date of birth
  • health insurance number (Provincial personal health number or private insurance policy number)
  • the year of your most recent tetanus vaccination
  • any dietary or medical considerations and medications you will bring
  • the name and contact details for two emergency contacts who are not sailing
You can save the form and resume later if needed, but make sure to carefully record the password you create and use the link you receive by email to resume your form. 

An electronic participation agreement and waiver form will be forwarded to each trainee (and a parent or guardian if the trainee is under 19 years of age) when the Group Trip Trainee Registration & Profile Form is submitted. 

Group Trip Trainee Registration

SALTS collects personal information necessary for email, mail and phone communication about the services and opportunities we provide to our clients.  Data is encrypted and stored on servers in the USA with access strictly limited.  Users can request changes to their communication preferences by calling 1-888-383-6811.